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Blog 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod.

Burari Deaths (11 mass suicide) was due to sick mental health.

Mental health is as important as physical health. You are the result of mental health. You take decision according to your state of mind . If you are in resourceful state you take positive dicision and action and if you are in unresourceful state you take negative decision and action. Do you remember The Burari deaths (??????? READ MORE

Your Present Mental State is The Result of Your Painful Past

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Anxiety leads to

S.A.D (#Stress #Anxiety #Depression) is one  of the  main cause of the diseases like #Cancer,#Blood_pressure, #Diabetes, #Psychosomatic or #Bipolar_disorder, #Autoimmune_Disorders.    Anxiety (??????) is the first symptom of any disease. If you don’t handle your anxiety in the initial days it will lead to many emotional & mental health conditions.    Remember that Pain without #injury is READ MORE